Isotropic Plane Strain
Bases: ConstitutiveModel
A constitutive model for the 2D isotropic plane strain equations
ConstitutiveModel : type The base class for FEMpy constitutive models
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__init__(E, nu, rho, t, linear=True)
Create an isotropic plane stress constitutive model
E : float Elastic Modulus nu : float Poisson's ratio rho : float Density t : float Thickness, this will be used as the initial thickness value for all elements but can be changed later by calling setDesignVariables in the model linear : bool, optional Whether to use the linear kinematic equations for strains, by default True
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computeStrainStateGradSens(states, stateGradients, coords, dvs)
Given the coordinates, state value, state gradient, and design variables at a bunch of points, compute the sensitivity of the strains to the state gradient at each one
states : numPoints x numStates array State values at each point stateGradients : numPoints x numStates x numDim array State gradients at each point coords : numPoints x numDim array Coordinates of each point dvs : dict of arrays of length numPoints Design variable values at each point
numPoints x numStrains x numStates x numDim array Strain sensitivities, sens[i,j,k,l] is the sensitivity of strain component j at point i to state gradient du_k/dx_l
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computeStrains(states, stateGradients, coords, dvs)
Given the coordinates, state value, state gradient, and design variables at a bunch of points, compute the strains at each one
states : numPoints x numStates array State values at each point stateGradients : numPoints x numStates x numDim array State gradients at each point coords : numPoints x numDim array Coordinates of each point dvs : dict of arrays of length numPoints Design variable values at each point
numPoints x numStrains array Strain components at each point
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computeStressStrainSens(strains, dvs)
Given the strains and design variables at a bunch of points, compute the sensitivity of the stresses to the strains at each one
strains : numPoints x numStrains array Strain components at each point dvs : dict of arrays of length numPoints Design variable values at each point
sens : numPoints x numStrains x numStates x numDim array Strain sensitivities, sens[i,j,k,l] is the sensitivity of strain component j at point i to state gradient du_k/dx_l
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computeStresses(strains, dvs)
Given the strains and design variables at a bunch of points, compute the stresses at each one
strains : numPoints x numStrains array Strain components at each point dvs : dict of arrays of length numPoints Design variable values at each point
numPoints x numStresses array Stress components at each point
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computeVolumeScaling(coords, dvs)
Given the coordinates and design variables at a bunch of points, compute the volume scaling parameter at each one
For this 2D model, the volume scaling is just the thickness
coords : numPoints x numDim array Coordinates of each point dvs : dict of arrays of length numPoints Design variable values at each point
numPoints length array Volume scaling parameter at each point
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Return a function that can be computed for this constitutive model
name : str Name of the function to compute
callable A function that can be called to compute the desired function at a bunch of points with the signature, f(states, stateGradients, coords, dvs) where: states is a numPoints x numStates array stateGradients is a numPoints x numStates x numDim array coords is a numPoints x numDim array dvs is a dictionary of numPoints length arrays
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